Digital Graphics
Assignment 2 - Task A & B
This blog page will take you through each stage the design process of each of my advertising images and also of my logo that I decided to include for my theme of the off-license.
Throughout the whole process I will be using Adobe Photoshop to create, manipulate and change images in order to advertise and market the off license. The reason for this is because I have used Adobe Photoshop on several of occasions before and I am comfortable using it. I also enjoy using Photoshop as it allows you to do more than other software packages and programs such as Paint.
Logo Design:
I decided to create a logo for my off license so that I could include it into my advert images. After thinking of a few possibilities and my dad also giving me ideas, I decided to just keep it simple and call it ‘Drink Direct’.
The logo design is below:
To create this I simply took a floor design that actually was in one of the scanned images that I used for another advertisement image. I then simply created the text individually using the text tool in Adobe Photoshop. I moved these about slightly until I was happy with the way that it looked. The bottle was an added feature at the end and I have got a few people asking why the bottle is upside down, but this is to represent an exclamation mark at the end of the statement ‘Drink Direct!’. I think that it looks well and we can notice the alliteration with the letter ‘D’ in both words and from experience in another course, I know that this is attractive to the audience. The colours are typical to the theme as you may see similar colors in bars, and drinking environments when theses are brought into affection. I am happy with my design as its simple yet attractive to the audience and also suitable to my theme.
Advert Image 1:
I started off with this photograph. I set up a small scene by gathering some props such as empty wine bottles, wine glasses, biscuits, a candle holder and also two candles. Also a cork screw and the cork from one of the bottles that was placed in the cork screw was included. I then got a bottle of Ribena and poured some into a wine bottle and also some into a wine glass to make it look that there is actual wine there. I then set up the scene with the props as shown below and took first hand photographs with a digital camera. The shots were taken at different points and angles and also some props were taken out and some were added in such as the red napkins.
From the range of different images that I took with the digital camera I decided to work with the image shown below. I took this image into Adobe Photoshop CS3 and was starting to work, manipulate and change the image to suit my theme of the off-license.
I first cropped the image to the appropriate size that I wanted as shown below. I then wanted to place a label over one of the wine bottles. The label was the same as my logo for the off license and also it contained the name which is ‘Drink Direct!’.
To do this I started first by using the Magnetic Lasso tool which allowed me to cut around the area which I wanted and it didn’t restricted me to just cutting sharp edges. It allowed me to cut around any edge and corner as sharp and also as curved edges. Therefore I could cut around the bottle in a perfect shape in order to place the label into.
After this was completed and cut correctly, I open up my logo in Adobe Photoshop and cut it correctly, then selected edit, and then copy. Then I went back to the photo scene where the cut bottle was still selected. Therefore this still allowed me to place the label in. To do this I selected edit and then paste into. The logo was the in the area of the bottle that I select. I then pressed control and T together to allow me to resize the now label in order to see it properly. To make the labeled bottle look more realistic and authentic I selected edit again but now I selected transform and wrap. This then allowed me to do actually what it said. I wrapped the label around the bottle to make it look that it was actually there on the bottle. This then made the wine bottle look like it had my label on it. It now looked as the image shows below.
I wanted to repeat the process with the other wine bottle that was included on the image, however when I went to the cutting process with the magnetic lasso tool again it was going over to far and if I continued then the wine glass next to it and part of the napkin would be removed as well as the bottle itself. To prevent this from happen I decided to not to cut it and therefore not to bother putting a label on this bottle.
I had to do something on this bottle to comply with copyright laws so what I did was I just used the blur and smudge tools together and cleared away the writing on the bottle. The image below shows this.
Although there was a small blur from where the writing was, I covered this by using the type tool and placed the name drink direct over it in simple font and white text that worked well with the dark background. Therefore in a way I basically created another label for the other bottle. The image below shows this.
After this I decided to include more into this image. From researching wine commercials and advertisements we always see the typical items such as obviously wine bottles and glasses but also we see other props such as cheese boards with various cheeses and also grapes etc. These are common so I decided to include these in this image and I also may decide to include these in other image too.
The image above is the final outcome to date of the advert image. As you can see I did include the cheese board with the cheese and also with a cheese knife and a bunch of grapes. I also added my logo at the top and darkened the colour of the label on the bottle to make it look even more realistic.
I’m pleased with the outcome of my advert and think that it really looks well. I’m happy that it was made from my own first hand images and that I could change it from the original.
Below is the image again and also the original image for you to see the changes that have been made to the image.
Advert Image 2:
For my second image I used one of the scanned images. Basically it was a page from a magazine. I picked this because the background and the beer glass looked well. The image is shown below.
I first started by removing the text at the bottom because obviously this is irrelevant to the purpose of the advertisement. To do this I used the crop tool and just cropped a little off the end of the image.
After inserting my logo I made it larger on the image by pressing ctrl + T. this is a shortcut for the free transform feature. This allowed me to enlarge the image and also to tilt it the way it’s shown above. I then thought that it would look good with a shadow. To do this I clicked the layer style button. I then selected ‘drop shadow’ and selected it the way I wanted it to look as now shown above.
After doing this I wanted to make it look as if the bottle and wine glass were closer, so again I used the crop to cut the wasted areas and then I zoomed the canvas in to make the image look larger. I also made the image look brighter. To do this I changed the contrast to make it brighter and actually to my surprise, this also made the image look more realistic, in a way that you wouldn’t think that it was a scanned in image, rather an image taken straight from the camera to the PC and into Adobe Photoshop.
After this I added the label onto the bottle like I’d done on other images.
After completing this I decided to add in more such as the typical cheese board and also the grapes that would be seen in many wine commercials.
To do this I added the images of the cheese board and also the grapes. I added them to the advert image and changed and manipulated it to look like it was actually on the image.
This is the final outcome of my image and I have to say I am happy with it. It does relate to the task and is suitable for the purpose. Below are; the original image and then the final outcome for you to see the changes that I have made.
Advert Image 3:
For my final image I didn’t want to do too much to change this as I thought that it was a brilliant image for my advertisements. I liked the background and also the peaches that were in front of the glass of beer. Obviously that was an advertisement image already from a magazine like the previous image. I scanned it into the PC.
First of all I took away the writing on front of the image. Like each of the previous images that I worked on, I inserted what was now my logo design onto the glass, to give it the look that it is advertising my off-license.
After this I thought that the image was a little tall so I decided to make it a bit smaller and the glass a bit fatter. To do this I basically just made the whole images smaller and a tiny bit wider.
I was originally going to leave the image like this but then I decided to insert a bottle of beer beside the glass. To do this I just inserted an image of a bottle of beer and sat it beside the glass. I decided this time not to place my logo on the bottle. I did try but it didn’t look right and too many of the same logos on the same image clashes. I’m happy with this image in the way that it is now.
Below is the final outcome of my last image and also the original for you to see the small changes that I have made.
I have taken you through each stage of the designing, changing and manipulation process of each of my advertising images. I’m happy with each and I think that they will all work well as advertising my off-license, ‘Drink Direct’.
Digital Graphics
Assignment 2 - Task 1C. Merit Criteria
To create my three graphical images I decided to use Adobe Photoshop CS3. The reason for this is because I think that it is the best software package for the creation and manipulation of the images. Photoshop has a wide variety of tools and functions that can help to create and manipulate images in many ways. Therefore when I knew that I had to create graphical images for an off-license, I went straight to Adobe Photoshop and started right away.
For my first image I used a lot of tools and function. Some things that I had to do required using a number of tools for example when wrapping a label on a bottle.
To do this I used first, the magnetic-lasso tool and also the crop tool. I then used copy and paste into tools and then finally the free transform and wrap tool to get the look as if the label was actually on the bottle and wrapped around. A full description of how I did this including print screens are shown and explained above as you most likely have already read.
On the same image I also used the blur and smudge tools to blur out text that I didn’t want and also then the text tool to insert text over this.
I created a layer over the image and placed an image of a cheese board. Then I made more individual layers each with an image of them like cheese, grapes, a cheese knife etc. and used the layers to make it look as if these items were placed on the actual cheese board. I saved this image as different file formats to show the colour depth and also the resolution of the image and also compare the quality of the image because of the different file formats. An example if a j-peg and a gif file of the image is below.
For my second image I again used a range of tools to make it presentable to advertise my off liecense.
I first used the crop tool to cut the image down so that I can change it and add layers etc. also I did this because of the fact there there was text at the bottom of the image in which I didn’t want to include on my image.
After this I included my logo design. By doing this I created a layer. I added a small drop shadow by using a layer style as shown above. I then went on to use the dodge tool which actually puts a brighter affect onto the image. This was useful as it made my image more brighter than what it was and also it actually made the quality of the image better too. The resolution and colour depth of this particular image was of a high quality. The image can be large or rather samll and nearly no quality of the image is lost as you can see from the example below. By this being so good, this image would be very useful on a website for the off license, or on flyers, or even on a large canvas. This is a great benefit of this particular image as this cannot be said for others.
For my final image I did use again a variety of tools in order for it to be suitable for the task and to advertise the off license.
I first used the crop tool to remove parts of the image that I didn’t want to use and also to reduce the size of the canvas in order to work with the image effectively.
I then used the wrap tool again as I wanted to cut a label around the glass. Then I went on to using the layer by adding in a picture of a beer bottle in order to make it look as if I had a bottle sitting next to the beer glass. The image can be seen below.
This report has explained the software, tools, file format, image resolution and colour depth used for creating my three graphic images for advertising my off license.
My Graphic Images:
Digital Graphics
Assignment 2 - Task 2A.
Image 1:
I have adhered to copyright legislation when creating, manipulating and changing all of my graphical images. All of my images are copyright free. I had taken two images from a magazine and scanned these into the computer. I then changed these so they look nothing like the originals as you had seen from above. Then for the other image I set up a scene and took my own first and photos with a camera. Therefore by doing all of this, all of my images are indeed copyright free and I have adhered to the copyright legislation.
Evaluation of Images:
Image 1:
Strengths and weaknesses:
The background and scenery fits into the scenario of the image. The added grapes and cheese fit well into the whole aspect of the image and makes it stand out.
Although the grapes and cheese add a great aspect to the original image, they would fit in better if they were slightly darkened to suit the shade if the rest of the image.
Quality of the Image:
When the image is zoomed in upon, the texture is still clear and is not as pixilated as other images.
Suitability for Purpose:
Although the image was edited through Photoshop, it was able to be used of a format to suit the site that it was being uploaded to; therefore it served the purpose that was intended.
Use of typography or imagery used:
The text used on the image fits well into the background and the scenery of the image, therefore it fits well into the suitability as a wine mart.
Image 2:
Strengths and Weaknesses:
The background fits well with the props used i.e. the wine glass and bottle etc. however, with the background of the title at the top left clashes with the background of the image.
Quality of the image:
When zoomed in upon the second image its slightly blurry, however it is not pixilated and is still visible to the user.
Suitability for purposes:
The image is well presented and clear, it is edited well and fits in well to the critera and purpose given.
Use of typography or imagery used:
The text used on the image fits in well, it is well presented; the text is easy to read and fits to the purpose of a wine mart.
Image 3:
Strengths and weaknesses:
The scenery of the image is well thought out to fit its purposes. It has been edited well, the peaches fit in perfect with the whole aspect of the image. However, the bottle does stand out a little too much from the rest of the image and it would be better if the liquid in the glass was a darker colour.
Quality of the image:
When zoomed in on the image it goes slightly blurry and pixilated and that texture isn’t as strong as the others.
Suitability for purpose:
The image is not that clear, it fits its purpose as the wine mart but needs to be slightly darker.
Use of typography or imagery used:
There is no problem with the text edited onto themage. It fits in well to the background and also suits the purpose.
Digital Graphics
Assignment 2 - Task 2B
In relation to client feedback I am going to evaluate and review my own images. Involved in this I am also going to changes the images to what my client/reviewer has suggested and see what they look like from this.
In the first image my reviewer said that if I make the images of the cheese, board, grapes and cheese knife a little darker then they will look more realistic and better.
Therefore as you can see below I took the image back into Adobe Photoshop and used the burn tool to do this. As you can see from the below print screen I have completed this and I agree that it does look quite well. I will keep the changes that I have made to suit my client’s views and the purpose of the task. You will be able to see the difference between the two from this image and the original which is placed above.
In the second image my reviewer said that the background of the image itself and the background of the logo do clash. I do think that this is ok, as it is my logo and I actually took my logo background from the background of this image, therefore based on the feedback which I do value, I am going to leave the image the way that it is as I think that it does look well and I am happy. This is the only issue that the client has with this image, therefore it will be ok the way that it is. The image is shown again below.
I am indeed very happy with my three graphical images. I am also happy that I chose Adobe Photoshop to create manipulate and change my images.
Jonathan McCrink. 1A.